Our best tools to get started
Preparing for a ballot measure campaign
- Getting started on the path to a children and youth ballot measure – Fact Sheet
- Why start now for 2026: What needs to be done and calendar for doing it – PowerPoint
- Assessing the political landscape: The feasibility of a ballot measure in your city or county – Use this tool
- Decision matrix for developing a local dedicated funding stream
- Revenue options – Power Point
- Drafting a ballot measure – Fact sheet on Elements of a Ballot Measure and PowerPoint on Crafting a Ballot Measure
- Fundraising for Ballot Measures – PowerPoint from training
- Sample Budgets for campaigns – budget 1, budget 2
- Digital tools – Power Point
- Powerpoint signature gathering
Budget Advocacy
- Children’s Budgets – power point by Funding the Next Generation introducing the basics
- Budget Advocacy tips
- Model legislation for a transparent and accountable budget process for cities and counties
- Getting more money for kids in your local budget process – PowerPoint from webinar
- Understanding Local Budgets in California – Power Point
- “Minding Our Words” – summary of research by Anat Shenker-Osorio about communication strategies for early care campaigns
- Sample fliers:
Lobbying and ballot measure regulations for non-profits in California – from Bolder Advocacy